Peach Jam

Photo Cred: Ivy Becker

Are you getting tired of using butter on your toast each and every morning for breakfast? Taking some fresh peaches and mashing them up to create a fresh jam is super easy. Store bought food just is not cutting it anymore and this is a much better alternative to those varieties. Spread this peach jam on your toast and artisan sandwiches or wherever you’d like.

Photo Cred: Ivy Becker

Yields 8 oz 


8 medium peaches 

1 cup Florida Crystals Organic Cane Sugar

1 small lemon, squeezed 



  1. Remove skin and mash peaches 
  2. In a saucepan, add sugar and lemon juice to mashed peaches. 
  3. Boil for 10 minutes- stirring frequently. 
  4. Cool and pour into mason jar.