How to get Rid of Ants Naturally: 3 Helpful Tips

Plants Growing

3 Natural Ant Deterent for Gardens: Non-Invasive

It’s a beautiful day, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and you go to water your garden. Upon arriving, you can’t help but notice your vegetable garden has turned into an “ant picnic” overnight!

In a world where we are becoming more understanding of the harmful chemicals we use, it’s important to treat these problems naturally. Since raw vegetables consume nutrients directly from the soil, you want to make sure you don’t harm the fruit, vegetables, or more importantly your body.

Below are three remedies to treat an ant infestation.

White Vinegar, Lemon Juice, and Water
Ant proofing your garden can be quick and easy with a simple 1:1 ratio of vinegar and lemon juice with a splash of water. Since citrusy scents are potent to ants’ receptors, it will deter them away as well as remove any scent markings they may have used to navigate.

The benefits of using vinegar are almost like that of lemon juice; anywhere the vinegar is sprayed, the ants will stay away. This method works the best together, rather than using lemon juice or vinegar separately.


Cucumber, Orange, Lemons, and Grapefruit Peels
Using the rinds or peels of citrus and cucumber can be another natural way to remove any unwanted garden guests. If you don’t have any vinegar, this method will work just as well. Cucumber has an unfavorable taste to ants when eaten.

However, you will need to replace the cucumber every so often until all of the ants have dispersed. This method works very well with the next natural remedy I will share with you all.


Turmeric and Cayenne Pepper
Using turmeric and cayenne pepper with the above method can help speed up the process. An important key factor in the removal of ants and ant farms is to disrupt their navigational signals, so they have to go elsewhere.

Being that these two spices are pungent and inhibit their communication, it’s the perfect line of defense to your home garden.

Turmeric Powder

Tip: If for any reason the above non-invasive measures do not entirely redirect and deter your ant problem, I have an alternative to use instead of chemical ant killer.

Cornmeal is a very enticing snack to ants, but it is lethal. These insects are unable to digest the cornmeal and will die. Just sprinkle with powdered sugar to attract them better and monitor until the problem is solved.
