The Benefits of Using Garden Sheers

Gardening Sheers Pic

5 Reasons to use Hand Sheers

A primer or hand sheer are essential to any home grower’s toolbox. They help remove any unwanted old branches and flowers. If you ask any gardener what their best friend would be, they would say “hand sheers.”

Having the right tools in any garden is the equivalent to having good pots and pans or knives in the kitchen. Although this is not a sponsored post, I really enjoy this tool and want to share why. It was gifted to me back in 2017, and I love using it.

Below I’m going to highlight five important reasons why having hand sheers for your vegetable and fruit cultivation is smart.

Garden Sheers - Tomatoes

Easy on the wrists

Having the right tool will help alleviate any unwanted stress or pressure brought on by removing your food from the vines.

It’s crucial that you protect yourself (yes even while working in your garden) to ensure that you do not give yourself any unwanted discomfort that could later turn into a more significant issue (i.e., carpal tunnel).

Garden Sheers - Zucchini

Different pruners for different jobs

Just like in any kitchen where there are different knives or spoons or spatulas for various tasks, there are also different types of sheers. The one that I currently use is a gardening pruning shear, and it works wonders!

I have used it on homegrown red peppers, tomatoes, okra, kale, herbs, aloe plant, and trimming of my lavender. I highly suggest investing in at least one high-quality garden tool to help you work more efficiently.

Grow healthier plants

When you trim or cut plants at the right place (with a clean cut) it is beneficial for the survival of the plant. I enjoy these pruners because of the shape of the scissors. It allows you to cut right near the bell of the plant which makes it a lot easier on you!

Garden Sheers - Plants

Minimize fatigue

When you have a small or medium garden, it can be quite laborsome when you have to trim all of your plants or cut all the veggies and herbs for a harvest.

Having a lightweight tool that you can use to quickly cut through whatever it is you need for the time being is very helpful. Plus, you won’t ruin your plants since you aren’t ripping them off the vine.

Faster harvests

Having the right tool for the job speeds up your cultivating process. Instead of using a knife or other device that could potentially harm the plant, using a sharp “scissor” that works like a charm will be hugely beneficial.

I hope that in whatever you chose, your garden grows bountiful and that you have a fun time learning about all the different things you can grow.

Learning how to grow our own foods is very simple and is a great way to save some money. Nothing beats fresh food that comes from a familiar place — your own backyard.

Garden Sheers- Food

How to get Rid of Ants Naturally: 3 Helpful Tips

Ants Trail
Plants Growing

3 Natural Ant Deterent for Gardens: Non-Invasive

It’s a beautiful day, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and you go to water your garden. Upon arriving, you can’t help but notice your vegetable garden has turned into an “ant picnic” overnight!

In a world where we are becoming more understanding of the harmful chemicals we use, it’s important to treat these problems naturally. Since raw vegetables consume nutrients directly from the soil, you want to make sure you don’t harm the fruit, vegetables, or more importantly your body.

Below are three remedies to treat an ant infestation.

White Vinegar, Lemon Juice, and Water
Ant proofing your garden can be quick and easy with a simple 1:1 ratio of vinegar and lemon juice with a splash of water. Since citrusy scents are potent to ants’ receptors, it will deter them away as well as remove any scent markings they may have used to navigate.

The benefits of using vinegar are almost like that of lemon juice; anywhere the vinegar is sprayed, the ants will stay away. This method works the best together, rather than using lemon juice or vinegar separately.


Cucumber, Orange, Lemons, and Grapefruit Peels
Using the rinds or peels of citrus and cucumber can be another natural way to remove any unwanted garden guests. If you don’t have any vinegar, this method will work just as well. Cucumber has an unfavorable taste to ants when eaten.

However, you will need to replace the cucumber every so often until all of the ants have dispersed. This method works very well with the next natural remedy I will share with you all.


Turmeric and Cayenne Pepper
Using turmeric and cayenne pepper with the above method can help speed up the process. An important key factor in the removal of ants and ant farms is to disrupt their navigational signals, so they have to go elsewhere.

Being that these two spices are pungent and inhibit their communication, it’s the perfect line of defense to your home garden.

Turmeric Powder

Tip: If for any reason the above non-invasive measures do not entirely redirect and deter your ant problem, I have an alternative to use instead of chemical ant killer.

Cornmeal is a very enticing snack to ants, but it is lethal. These insects are unable to digest the cornmeal and will die. Just sprinkle with powdered sugar to attract them better and monitor until the problem is solved.


Composting for Beginners: 2 Ways to Use Your Scraps

Composting - The Vegan Rhino

Curious about what happens to the banana peels, citrus rinds and apple cores you toss in the trash can? Otherwise known as “food scraps,” these often-discarded items are doomed for an after-life in a landfill—not the best use of these functional remains.

According to The Guardian, “Americans waste 150,000 tons of food each day—equal to a pound per person.”

I understand that waste, in some cases, is inevitable on a large scale (after all, we can’t control what a big-box grocery store deems fit for its shelves). However, I suggest giving composting a try. It doesn’t matter where you live or whether you have a garden. Composting can be for everyone! Check out the following ways to make it work for you:

The freezer method
Living in an apartment or dorm room? No problem! Start collecting your food scraps in a brown paper bag, which is compostable, or air-tight container. I keep my brown paper bag in the freezer and add my food scraps every time I prepare food. As the bag fills up, I simply remove it and bring it to a local farm. A quick Google search will most likely yield several community gardens in your area (look into gardening programs at nearby schools and nursing homes, too!). Call each one until you find an organization that will accept your scraps!

You can also share your soil with your neighbors! Perhaps they will share some fresh goodies with you for helping their garden grow strong.

Composting for your garden

Start with soil. Place it at the bottom of your compost container then add  food scraps and other organic matter to the container, mixing periodically. Top the mixture with more soil and continue the cycle. Use this organic soil in your home garden.

Composting is one of the best ways to reduce food waste. It requires virtual zero energy on your part and leaves you with healthy, nutrient-dense soil to grow your next harvest!

If you do not have an outside garden, check out 7 Things to Do with Compost if You Don’t Garden.